What is Health Monitoring System about?
The rapid development of internet technology and the wide application of artificial intelligence enable more people to enjoy unimaginable medical services than in the past.
More than twenty years in the Medical Equipment, the founders of Minttihealth came together in hopes of using modern technologies to bring a cooler and healthier world into reality.
Mintti Vision – Vital Signs Monitor
Mintti Vision: this multi-functional health monitoring device, makes the tricorder in Star Trek come true.

Mintti Vision is a wireless multi-functional health monitoring device. The monitor works via Bluetooth with your mobile device to test, track and share data.
Vision monitors and records blood pressure data and basic vital signs such as heart rate, ECG, blood oxygen and respiration. All this data reflects a person’s specific state of health, so Vision enables users to enjoy basic medical service even at home.
It is intended to be used at home or healthcare facilities.
Mintti Breeze- Dual-functional thermometer
A sensor’s accuracy depends on its algorithm’s accuracy.
Our highly accurate algorithm is derived from the collection of extensive clinical data, and our proprietary models, which allows for automatic compensation and calibration for different environments.
This infrared thermometer is designed in France. Suitable for all ages, it was built to be easily utilized by the whole family. This latest, patented design is one of kind, to support the increased need for more self-measuring. Built by Minttihealth—the trusted brand for all things health-related.

Temperature Displayed on an extra-large, bright LED display that permits easy reading, day or night. With the world’s first front-facing display, it makes self-measuring a breeze. No need to turn it over to check the reading as it is right in front of you.
Mintti Heartbook – Heart monitoring solution, anytime, anywhere
Cardiac Analysis and Diagnostic System – Bring your doctor home!

- Badge-like remote dynamic ECG monitoring device. All-weather 24/7 continuous monitoring of the heart.
- Intelligent wearable Real-time monitor of multi- parameters, with built-in body posture sensor; ergonomic design, ultra-light weight/thin, antibacterial and comfortable.
- 24/7 medical pros on call Once the request of a professinal medical report is submitted by a user, he/she is sure to obtain a detailed waveform analysis, as well its conclusion, by medical pros.
- Emergency alert Real-time alert on APB, VPB, long interval, tachycardia and bradycardia; when a tumble-down occurs, it sends SMS alerts to the guardian’s phone.